Sunday 22 September 2013

Well all good things etc but, WOW, we've just seen a humming bird!

Sunday 22nd September

Précis:- very hot again, paid bill, saw humming bird and prepared van for journey home, went to beach. The end.

Another really hot one overnight but this time we left all the skylights open and ignored the noise. Then it was time to get the van ready with water etc for the journey home as its free here and you pay for it on the aires. Plus we don't normally carry much but from now on we will be using the shower quite a bit.

I should have thought of this sooner because Joan has gone into wifely overdrive with the van cleaned, washing done and she's baked a cake! The van smells delicious I can tell you, I can't wait to taste it. Then around to the office to pay our bill and we are all set for a fairly long drive tomorrow.

As we leave we see an amazing sight, it's a humming bird. Oh boy this is an amazing thing, it is so very tiny but you can actually see it's tongue sipping the nectar from the flowers. We may try to get a picture before we leave tomorrow but it is so very small and moves so quickly it might not work.

Next of course is a last trip to the beach and it's definitely time to get into the sea if we are ever going to do it. Gosh we did it and it was freezing, but fun as well. Can somebody please tell us why it's so cold, the Mediterranean is supposed to be warm isn't it?

Lots of love
Joan & Bryan xxxx

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